
Exploitation of the delivered technology is the raison d’etre for conducting research and technology creation. Exploitation must drive the R&D activity and must be considered explicitly in the strategy definition phase.

Product Launch

Years of effort and investment culminate in the launch of the product – a key event in realising the benefits of the research. The launch must be fully integrated into the MarCom activity and strongly promoted. The planning for the launch is best carried out as part of the product development programme.

PR and Promotion

An integrated market communications (MarCom) plan is a key tool in promoting your new product. Vee Solutions staff have driven integrated communications using advertising, public relations (PR), exhibitions and targeted mailings to increase take up of new products.

Product Lifecycle

Inevitably all products need refreshing as they pass through the product lifecycle. Active management of the product as it proceeds through its lifecycle optimises revenues and minimizes costs.

Benefits Realisation

It is all too easy to make significant investments in research and subsequent technology developments and not realise the benefits of that investment.

The benefits of actively planning the exploitation phase are that less is left to chance.