Client – Marshall Aerospace, Cambridge
Brief – Marshall Aerospace had identified an exciting business opportunity to develop and install safety related equipment into commercial airliners. Short-term support from an interim manager was required to navigate the bid through the local business processes.
Contribution – Vee Solutions’ contribution was to provide a consistent focus on delivering the proposal on time and to support the proposal team. Over the two month duration of the assignment we:
- Re-wrote board paper describing business case for major investment;
- Assessed the business case viability based upon prior experience of similar business cases;
- Coached the allocated project manager;
- Defined the timeline for delivering the proposal to the end customer;
- Generated an integrated schedule for partially overlapping, sequential development programmes for different platform variants;
- Generated multiple resource profiles for different programme variants based upon various “what if” scenarios;
- Led presentation of the proposal through the risk reviews and internal gate reviews mandated by the Marshall Aerospace lifecycle management process.
- Led generation of the bid pack for Board approval prior to submission of the priced proposal to the end user customer.;
- Generated feedback to MA Board on the overall business case and the programme schedule;
- Reviewed the risk quantified risk;
A substantial contribution was to coach several key members of the project management and engineering management teams.
Outcome – The proposal was presented through the mandated risk reviews and internal gate reviews on time and the supporting bid pack was generated and delivered. The bid pack was a substantial endeavour that ran to some 80 pages of information and supporting charts, schedules and supporting data.